The Cowdenbeath FC Community Trust is hosting two race nights to raise funds for good causes.
The first is being held on Saturday 12th March at the Junction Bar, Cowdenbeath (7pm) in order to raise funds for a number of local causes. See Stuart Juner for further details.
The second event is being held in Wee Jimmies, Cowdenbeath on Saturday 2nd April (7pm). This event has been arranged in order to raise funds towards the purchase of ground covers for Central Park. The football club’s cashflow has been severely stretched by the severe winter weather this year with six home games postponed to date - over three months with no gate receipts. The existing covers are not up to standard and only cover a third of the pitch. The club and Trust, with assistance from supporters, is hoping to have new covers in place for the 2011/12 season. Tickets cost £3.50. See Alex Haddow for further information.