Given the fact that our fans have been unable to visit Central Park to follow the team this season we can indicatively confirm the following arrangements will apply for next season. We will firm up details in due course.
Adult and concession season ticket holders of course have had access to PPV this season. Assuming though we play 18/22 League games this season the renewal price for 2020/21 Adult season ticket holders will be reduced to £90 (a 55% discount from 2019/20 prices). For Concession 2020/21 season ticket holders, their renewal price for 2021/22 will be £40 (a 63% discount from 2019/20 prices). This season’s Juvenile and Youth Season Ticket holders can renew for 2021/22 free of charge.
New step sponsors and renewals for 2020/21 will not have to pay for continuation in 2021/22. Those who have steps but did not renew for 2020/21 will be offered normal renewal terms for 2021/22. Club 135 Lounge Members will have their membership extended to cover season 2021/22 at no additional cost.