The weekly Blue Brazil Lottery draw took place on 20th November 2020 at Bay Travel, Cowdenbeath and the winning numbers were 2 - 4 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 14.
The jackpot of £2,600 was not won and so next week’s jackpot will roll over to £2,700.
Next week’s draw will take place in Munch Box, Crossgates on Friday 27th November 2020 at 12 noon.
Cowdenbeath FC would wish to thank all our outlets for their co-operation during these difficult times and hope that things will get back to normal soon.
Please note that because of the latest Coronavirus restrictions, lottery sheets will now only be available at The Cross Guns and Lashes, Lips and Locks in Cowdenbeath and the Munch Box, Crossgates for the meantime.