On Sunday 11th April 2010 local lads Craig Arnott & Colin Somerville are doing a charity run with a difference - Craig is a member of the reserved forces and Colin is life long Cowdenbeath fan. They are running the route of the Fife Circle train stations in order to raise money for ‘HELP FOR HEROES’ and will visiting a total of 13 stations on their way, covering a distance of 39.5 miles over the course of one day. A Charity 5K Fun Run will take place at the same time starting at Lochgelly High School and finishing at Central Park, Cowdenbeath. It is hoped that 150 runners will participate.
Cowden boss Danny Lennon has agreed to take part in the running event and will be joined by several Cowdenbeath FC players, depending on club duties.
Following the running events there is a show on in the Town Hall at 4pm with top band Velour Amour the headline act with a disco on in between and after. Tickets for this are £5 and are available from Torleys bar, Junction Bar, Fife Letting or see Colin
himself at the games.
You can get an application form by visiting http://www.david-sands.co.uk/Sponsorship.htm or got to David Sands' shops, Torleys Bar, Lochgelly High Community Use or the Fife Times Office.
They also require local companies to sponsor the Fife Circle Run. We are offering companies the opportunity to sponsor a station, Other businesses have expressed a serious interest in sponsoring a station, a list of which are: Lochgelly, Cowdenbeath, Queen Margaret, Dunfermline, Rosyth, Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay, Aberdour, Burntisland, Kinghorn, Kirkcaldy,Thornton and Cardenden.
Anyone wishing to sponsor the guys can do so do so online by visiting www.justgiving.com/craigandcolin Anyone wishing to help out or require more information please contact 07752974023 or 07523174905 or email bigsomey22@yahoo.co.uk