It was the end of April, almost May
Were you there on that Helicopter Day?
When Mixu’s men got the job done
Cowdenbeath Two Elgin City One!
Cowdenbeath fans are cordially invited to a Gala Evening at Wee Jimmies on Sunday 3 September 2017 at 6.30pm for 7pm which will see the club’s Championship winning squad of 2005/06 reunited for the first time in over a decade – players such as Dougie Hill, Gary Fusco, Liam Buchanan, Davie Hay, Ian Mauchlen, Pat Scullion and most of the boys will be present along of course with skipper Innes Ritchie and manager Mixu Paatelainen (and as many other Paatelainens as can make it on the night).
So all our fans who thrilled to that marvellous team’s swashbuckling exploits make sure you are there on the night to celebrate and recall that wonderful time in the Club’s history. Take this unique opportunity to meet again with the players who will forever be legends at Central Park. The evening will of course be hosted by Cowdenbeath FC and both Mixu and Innes will be able to share some of their memories with the assembled company. A question and answer session with Mixu and the team will also be held.
A light buffet (sandwiches and sausage rolls) will be served and there will be ample opportunity for chat, autographs and photos as well as quite a few drinks to toast a team that will always be in the hearts of all Cowden supporters. Tickets go on sale later this week at the price of just £10 with outlets/vendors to be announced but these will include Wee Jimmies and the Club Shop at Central Park at the match v Berwick on 26 August.
So let’s see a great turnout on what promises to be a great night as we recall those heady days of season 2005/06 and that Helicopter Day. Don’t miss it!