Our hosts Falkirk have provided the following information for our travelling support for Saturdays match
Cowdenbeath fans will be located in the North West Area of the Main Stand
Please enter through turnstiles 8
Adult £18
Concession £12
(Over 65/Full time Student/Unemployed/Ambulant disabled – with valid ID)
Under 18 £6
Under 12’s will be admitted free of charge with a paying adult
Car Parking
There is parking available to away fans charged at £4 per car on a first come first served basis. The car park is located behind the north stand – Please enter through the turnoff on Grangemouth Road.
Disabled Supporters
Any wheelchair disabled supporters who wish to sit in our easily accessible disabled area will be granted entry for themselves and a carer free of charge.Any supporters wishing to attend the match should contact Morton to request to be added to the list supplied to Falkirk Football Club.
Please note there is limited availability and entry will be through the North West Gate by previous request.