After a difficult week and a difficult decision for us all, Cowdenbeath FC are looking to their own fans and any other fans to show their financial support to us. This can be presently done in a variety of ways:
Season Tickets: Earlybird season tickets are still available at bargain prices:
Adults: £200
Concession: £100
Juvenile (13-16): £50
Juvenile (Under 12) £25
These can be purchased from John Cameron at Central Park (01383 610166) or online at
Managers Fund: Following its huge success last year, the Manager’s Fund is again open for the forthcoming season. This allows both individuals and businesses to help the Club and to contribute directly to Colin Cameron’s playing budget. The Club is hugely grateful to all supporters who participated in this initiative last season, and hopes that these supporters and hopefully many more will participate for the forthcoming season. Any amount, big or small, is very welcome and will be hugely appreciated by the Club and the Manager. This fund is ring fenced and will only be used to ensure the highest quality squad possible is put out on the field.
Again any payment can be forwarded to John Cameron at Central Park (01383 610166).
100 Club Draw:There are still some places available in the 100 Club Draw which takes place monthly. The cost of participating is £10 per month, with a three figure prize being made monthly.
Again to join contact John Cameron at Central Park (01383 610166).
Merchandise: Quality club merchandise, including the new home strips, is available. This can be purchased at Central Park any day, Beath Bargain Stores in High Street,Cowdenbeath and also online at
Any financial support will be put directly back into the Club and will largely benefit the Club, the Manager and the Players in the forthcoming season.